If you have questions about anything on this page, or if something is not working, contact me (Bear).
==== Supply Crates ====
Supply crates are in the framework by default; they are placed next to every squad leader. The crate object type (and thus appearance) does not matter, and can be picked freely. The existing crates can also be sling-loaded by helicopter pilots.
The crate contents are controlled by the assign gear scripts. Each crate will have a line of code in it's init box, more or less identical to this: ["crate_med",this,"blu_f"] call f_fnc_assignGear
The first parameter (//"crate_med"//) passes the desired gear configuration to the script, the second (//this//) references the crate object for the script and the third ("blu_f") tells the gear script which factions gear should be added to the box. In this case, the crate receives a //"crate_med"// loadout from the //"blu_f"// (NATO) faction.
The actual contents to be added is adjusted in the gear script file of the respective faction, e.g. //f_assignGear_nato.sqf// (CTRL+F crate_med).
**Image 1: Example crate from the framework template**
**Image 2: The crate's init code**
**Image 3: Changing crate object type**
==== Removing Vehicle Magazines ====
Let's say you want to use a BMP-2 in a mission, but you think its ATGM might be too much.
- Enter the vehicle, select the missile and remember it's name.
- In the developer console, run the following code: copyToClipboard str (vehicle player magazinesTurret [0])
- In your clipboard, you should now have a list of the magazines in the vehicle's primary turret in a format similar to ["aa", "bb", "cc", "dd", and so on]
- Paste it in notepad and see if you can identify which classname (e.g. "bb") corresponds to the missile. Don't be afraid to google part of the classname that looks like a military designation - you're not looking for details on it, you just want to know that it's a missile and not e.g. a tank shell or smoke canister.
- When you have identified the correct classname, replace "classname" in the following code and paste it inside the vehicle's init field in the editor: if (isServer) then {this removeMagazinesTurret ["classname", [0]];};
Example code: if (isServer) then {this removeMagazinesTurret ["rhs_mag_9m113_4", [0]];};
==== Nerfing Russian RHS tanks ====
It's possible to swap the ammunition in a tank to much older variants, thus decreasing it's lethality.
- Follow the steps in the above guide on how to remove vehicle magazines
- Have a look at the list of ammunition types on this [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/125_mm_smoothbore_ammunition|Wikipedia article]]. You're probably looking for older ammunition, e.g. the 3BM12 for APFSDS-T and 3BK12 for HEAT-FS.
- Try and find the corresponding magazine classname in the [[http://class.rhsmods.org/rhsafrf/CfgMagazines.html|RHS class browser]]. Some ammunition variants might be missing on either site, but most should be covered. The number at the end of the classname tells you how many rounds the "magazine" contains.
- When you have identified the correct classname, replace "classname" in the following code and paste it inside the vehicle's init field in the editor: if (isServer) then {this addMagazineTurret ["classname", [0]];};
- If you want more magazines to be added, you should repeat the code inside the '...' segment: if (isServer) then {...};
Example code #1: if (isServer) then {this addMagazineTurret ["rhs_mag_3bm22_10", [0]];};
Example code #2: if (isServer) then {this addMagazineTurret ["rhs_mag_3bm22_10", [0]]; this addMagazineTurret ["rhs_mag_3bm22_10", [0]]; this addMagazineTurret ["rhs_mag_3bk18_8", [0]];};