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TMF: first mission

TMF is designed such that when you want to make a mission you can just start from the template. The template is pre-configured with a platoon for each side and the appropriate settings to use them on the fly. The intention is that you can then easily delete what you don't need. As it is much faster to delete what you don't use that to place everything yourself.

The first thing you need to do is to place a copy of the mission template in your missions folder. You can find the template folder (tmf_template.Altis) where the @tmf mod is on your harddrive.

Copy this to the folder where your editor missions are stored in. This folder is typically:

<my documents>\Arma 3\missions

or if you do not use default arma profile

<my documents>\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\<profile name>\missions

You will need to rename the folder such that it is of the format <mission_name>.<island_name>. To get the island name of an unknown island just save a new mission in the editor with that island it will create a new folder with the <mission_name>.<island_name> and you then just use that island name.

Open the mission in the 3D editor and load up your renamed template mission. You should be presented with something like the following. The pre-placed units are preconfigured platoons for NATO (blue), FIA (blue), AAF (green) and CSAT (red). You should keep the pre-placed platoons for sides that you want the players to play as. If you are intending to make a coop where the players are only blufor you should remove all opfor and greenfor units.

It is then recommended to keep the rest of the platoon until you are certain what units in the platoon you want. You may already know that you do not want helicopters or tanks in your mission and you can safely remove them. Note anything you delete at this point will require extra work to recover.

The mission name is set via Attributes → General (from the top toolbar in the 3D editor).


The mission name is what is visible to the session host when choosing the mission <type> <mission name>

e.g. COOP: Operation Seize Airfield

The mission description is set via Attributes → Multiplayer (from the top toolbar in the 3D editor). standards_mp.jpg

The summary is visible to all players on the slotting screen. Provide any instructions for the slotting process here e.g:

  1. MAT is required, Slot in order: CO, Alpha, Bravo, Tank, MMG, Charlie
  2. Slot bluefor 2:1 greenfor

Missions played at 1Tac are assumed to have their briefing in the map screen. If your mission is designed to have the briefing carried out in game, you should indicate it as such, In the description include: “briefing-ingame”

You should also select the correct game type and minimum and maximum players for your mission.

If you stick to the units included in the template. You can use the preconfigured briefing pages. In windows you should open up the mission folder and you will find a folder in it called briefing. These files contain the briefing text for the mission and you should edit these in a text editor. We recommend using notepad++ Click here our notepad++ setup guide.

By default these briefings are separated by faction. Notepad++ will automatically syntax highlight for you as seen below (parts in green are comments and are ignored by the game engine). You should edit the grey text as seen below:

Below is an example of the situation page briefing page being filled in:

If you wish to see the full functionality provided by the briefing system see here.

  • tmf/setting-up-first-mission.1458988734.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2016/03/26 10:38
  • by snippers